Monday 30 March 2015

Never Mind Granny

I am away for a week to the Bologna Children's Illustration Festival and I am going to take a week off from most of my blogs. I am leaving this one with a 2012 illustration called 'Never mind granny give the wolves the tarts' or 'Wait'. the wolves have all got tarts balanced on their noses waiting for Little Red to give them permission to eat them. Have a good week.

Sunday 29 March 2015

Friday 27 March 2015

Angela Dalinger

German illustrator Angeler Dalinger's Little Red Riding Hood reminds me of a Mexican Votive painting because of its primitive style and the written story beneath.

Thursday 26 March 2015

Malo Tocquer

A drop of a fairy tale, circular design by French graphic designer Malo Tocquer, with Little Red as a rose at the centre of a rippled pool of water.

Wednesday 25 March 2015

Ghazaleh Ebrahimi

 Fig 1: (above) Red Riding Hood by Ghazaleh Ebrahimi

A lovely stencil screen printed red riding hood by young Iranian illustrator Ghazaleh Ebrahimi


 Fig 1: (above) Red Riding Hood by Ghazaleh Ebrahimi

Tuesday 24 March 2015

Carles Porta

                         Fig 1,2,3 (Above): Opening Puck Cinema Caravana 2011 from Carles Porta on Vimeo.

A tiny but beautiful animation by Carles Porta for 'Puck' the smallest cinema on earth. 

                                         Fig 4 (above) Puck Cinema 
Puck is a cinema 'camping trailer' that sits an exclusive audience of seven people and shows short animations.
Carles Porta is a Spanish illustrator, animator and graphic designer born in Madrid and trained in Barcelona.


Fig 1,2,3 Carles Porta

Monday 23 March 2015

Loïc Huck

Fig 1 (above) Loïc Huck, Little Red

Computer art by Loïc Huck with good overlapping of transparencies and colour to build up textures, and the wolf metamorphosing from little Red's cape.



Saturday 21 March 2015

Friday 20 March 2015

Amélie Fléchais

Above: top to bottom Fig 1-7 Amélie Fléchais Le Petit Loup Rouge.

'Le Petit Loup Rouge' by Amelie Flechais a French illustrator working in comic books, children’books and as visual development artist.for animation. This is a beautifully illustrated topsy turvy reinvention of the story released last summer. I love the way Amélie announced its publication with these (fig 1/2) illustrated photographs .

" a dreamlike fairy tale with bite and a slightly bitter aftertaste. Kind of like really good dark chocolate." Jack Khouri

Figs 1-7 Amélie Fléchais

Thursday 19 March 2015

Wednesday 18 March 2015

Susan Blair

Fig1,2,3,4 (above) Susan Blair Little Red-Cap 1964

This is a version of Little red-cap illustrated by Susan Blair using wood cuts published in 1964. I can find little about this illustrator apart from that she also illustrated Billy Goats Gruff using the same technique, making full use of the wood grain from the timber she printed with.

Monday 16 March 2015


                 Fig 1 (above) MICAO Applique 
Couldn't resist adding a further illustration by Japanese illustrator MICAO (Mika Hirasa) this time using applique as her medium for Little Red.


Fig 1:  Hirasa M, Little Red Riding Hood Applique

Sunday 15 March 2015

Joanna Concejo

   Fig 1 (above): Red Riding Hood by Joanna ConcejoA wonderful humorous delicate Red Riding Hood embroidered by Joanna Concejo.
Fig 1: Red Riding Hood by Joanna Concejo

Saturday 14 March 2015

Mike Lay

Fig 1,2,3,4, (above) drawings by Mike Lay 

Mike Lay's strange shamanistic, totem rich drawings of young girls and beasts remind me very much of red riding hood imagery, so I felt they belong here even though they are not specifically Red Riding Hoods the story that these images share is very similar.
I like Mike's use of bright sparks of color and the way intricate areas of drawing and pattern are balanced with space within the drawings.

Fig 1,2,3,4 Mike Lay

Friday 13 March 2015


Fig 1: (above) Jazmina Cininas Christina sleeps on both sides of Grandma's bed (2010) 

                                         Fig 2: (above) Trailer for Re-Enchantment
 Re-Enchantment is an i-Book exploration of fairy tales by Sarah Gibson and Rose Draper. Produced as an interactive multi-platform documentary exploring the longevity and power of the fairy tale. Featuring Bluebeard, Snow White, Hansel and Gretel, Cinderella, Rapunzel and Red Riding Hood. In this trailer the work of Melbourne based artist Jazmina Cininas is featured.


Fig 1: (above) Jazmina Cininas, Christina sleeps on both sides of Grandma's bed (2010) 
Fig 2: (above) Trailer for Re-Enchantment

Wednesday 11 March 2015

Werner Klemke

Fig 1/2 (above and below): illustrations from Werner Klemeke, Die Kinder und Hausmarchen Der Bruder Grimm, P1963

Illustrations and  book cover for Grimms Fairy Tales by Werner Klemke ( 1917-1994) with the eye and teeth of the wolf looking out from the spine.
This book was first published in 1963, last in print in 2009.

Fig 3 (above): photograph of Wemer Klemke Jan 1981

Werner Klemke was the son of a carpenter born in Berlin in 1917, he was to became one of the most famous illustrators in Germany. Wermer trained as an art teacher and then worked as an animator at Kruse film from 1936-39. His career in animation was interrupted by the second world war.

Since Werner Klemke's death in 1994 incredible details have come to light about his involvement in the war where he worked in an office at the Western Front but used this as an opportunity to forge papers for Dutch Jews at least 300 people were saved due to this brave man's activities.

In 1946 Werner returned to Berlin and pursued a career as a commercial artist for various magazines and then his career bloomed in 1949 he produced 126 wood engraving illustrations for George Weerth's "Humoristischen Skizzen aus dem deutschen Handelsleben". During his career as an illustrator and book designer Wemer produced over 800 books. Werner Klemke was also an inspirational teacher at Berlin School of Art.


Fig 1/2: Werner Klemeke, Die Kinder und Hausmarchen Der Bruder Grimm, P1963

Fig 3: Photograph of Werner Klemke 1981.,_Berlin,_Werner_Klemke.jpg

Tuesday 10 March 2015

Jazmina Cininas I

                          Fig 1 (above):   Mica is half of everything, Jasmina Cininas 
                       Fig 2 (above): Waving to Meret I, Jasmina Cininas
                     Fig 3 (above): Waving to Meret II by Jasmina Cininas

Jazmina Cininas is an Melbourne based artist, printmaker and lecturer who paints werewolves, drawing on and celebrating her Lithuanian ancestry. Jazmina's werewolves have lots of Little Red Riding Hood characteristics, and indeed the story of Little Red Riding Hood has lots of werewolf characteristics too.
“The wolf’s history as a construct of the popular psyche more closely parallels the way women have been portrayed throughout the ages. Its classic identities as either the selfless nurturing mother (as in the Jungle Book and Romulus and Remus stories), the diabolical werewolf, and as the ravening man-eater respectively mirror the chaste wife, heretic witch and femme fatale archetypes traditionally reserved for representations of women.” - Jazmina Cininas “The Girlie Werewolf Project: Between the Wolf and the Dog” Catalogue, Impressions on Paper Gallery, 2006.


Fig 1:   Mica is half of everything, Jasmina Cininas
Fig 2:   Waving to Meret I, Jasmina Cininas
Fig 3 : Waving to Meret II, Jazmina Cininas

Monday 9 March 2015

Little Red Riding Hood in Medieval Illuminations

    Fig 1: Antichrist  Germany ca 1460 München Bayerische Staatsbibliothek

Fig 2 (above): Amiens, Bibliothèque municipale, 0165, detail of f. 026v. Graduel festif à l’usage de Notre-Dame la Riche de Tours. 16th/17th century

                                         Fig 3/4 (above): Bayerische StaatsBibliothek. Rudolf :Weltchronik in Versen - Mischhandschrift aus Christ-herre-Chronik 1370

Fig 5 : Genève, Bibliothèque de Genève, Ms. fr. 64, fol. 297r, La fleur des histoires by Jean Mansel, 15th century (1450-1480), Flemish

The symbolism and iconography of red clothing, in particular capes and a demon, a hairy wolfish character, is present in many medieval illuminations. In the Ark illumination of 1370 (Fig 3/4) in particular we have the wolf /devil figure tricking his way onto the ark shielded behind a young maiden dressed in red. Then in (Fig 5) La fleur des histoires by Jean Mansel, (1450-1480) we have a hairy demon in a ladies bed chamber.
To my mind these illuminations only strengthen the claims of  Jan Ziolkowski that Little Red Riding Hood has many more historic medieval links in printed literature than modern folklorists usually admit or anyone of us would dare to imagine.
This is a story historically embedded in our society.


Fig 1: Antichrist  Germany ca 1460 München Bayerische Staatsbibliothek
Fig 2 : Amiens, Bibliothèque municipale, 0165, detail of f. 026v. Graduel festif à l’usage de Notre-Dame la Riche de Tours. 16th/17th century
Fig 3,4: Bayerische StaatsBibliothek. Rudolf :Weltchronik in Versen - Mischhandschrift aus Christ-herre-Chronik 1370
Fig 5 : Genève, Bibliothèque de Genève, Ms. fr. 64, fol. 297r, La fleur des histoires by Jean Mansel, 15th century (1450-1480), Flemish

Sunday 8 March 2015

Ricardo Jorge II

                          Fig 1: (above) Ricardo Jorge 
"This Little Red Riding Hood is fed up of going to Grandma's house. Today she will take the basket and make a picnic out in the garden." Ricardo Jorge
 It is lovely to be sent Red riding Hood images now and this one was sent to me yesterday.
Thank you Ricardo


 Fig 1: Ricardo Jorge

Saturday 7 March 2015


Photo-Collage illustration using arranged individual elements by Japanese illustrator Azumimushi. This isn't Red Riding Hood but because of the ladies red hood it caught my eye and appealed to me in the context of my research.

Friday 6 March 2015

Cristobal Landron De Guevara

Fig 1,2, (above): Red Riding Hood by Cristobal Landron De Guevara

Chilean illustrator Cristobal Landron De Guevara's version of Little Red Riding Hood is very busy, bold and patterned using many folk art references. Although Cristobal is Chilean this book looks Hungarian or Polish because of this folk styling.


Fig 1,2,3: Red Riding Hood by Cristobal Landron De Guevara!portfolio/component_41229